We are here to help you! Call us: 888-308-2529

Drug and Alcohol Detox Treatment

Thousands of individuals suffer from substance abuse and don’t seek the right level of care to properly deal with their addiction. If you or a loved is dealing with drug or alcohol abuse, we want you to know that we are here for you. We will provide the care and support you need to start your journey to recovery.

We know how difficult it can be dealing with an addiction. You may feel as if you have no one to turn to or you don’t have the right resources to even understand what you are going through. Here at Affinity, we want to make your experience as simple as possible. Our staff is dedicated to helping you understand the entire treatment process, so you feel comfortable moving forward with our clinically manager detox program. They will be there to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding treatment so you can have the confidence you need to succeed in your recovery.

We will provide you with the best care possible. Our staff will be there every step of the way as you work towards overcoming your addiction.

About Us

  • Our Mission

    Our mission is simple, we will be there for you ever step of the way while providing you with the highest level of care. We will ensure your comfort during your clinically managed detox.

  • Our Vision

    Our vision is to see all our clients succeed. We want to provide them with unconditional support, so they have the confidence they need to work towards the sober life they deserve.

What Sets Us Apart

Here at Affinity, our highly trained staff will provide you with the care and support you need to successfully complete your detox. We also provide luxury accommodations that are ideal to keep you comfortable throughout your time with us.

Affinity Recovery Is Designed
To Provide Clients With Highly Effective
Addiction Treatment Options.